Find the Right Coach in Leadership Coaching

Cakupan coaching: transformasi diri sebagai pemimpin, menjadi manajer efektif, membangun kolaborasi tim, mengelola kompleksitas, berpikir strategis, membangun visi pemimpin, mengelola perubahan.



Career & Leadership Coach

Budiastuti (Uti) adalah teman bicara dan berpikir, membantu client membuka cara pandang baru sehingga dapat menemukan solusi bagi dirinya sendiri.

Naindra Pramudita

Naindra Pramudita

Executive & Life Coach

Dita is a PCC with 12 years coaching experience. Passionate about empowering individuals. Specializes in Executive, Career & Parenting Coaching. Connect now!

Endra Ananto

Endra Ananto

Self-Growth, Career & Corporate Leadership Coach

A strategist, systemic-thinker, coffee addict, seasoned traveller, photographer and passionated cyclist that willing to facilitate anyone to achieve their goals

Joko Tri Wardhono

Joko Tri Wardhono

Career, Leadership and Executive Coach

Joko TW is a highly dedicated Career, Leadership & Executive Coach, driven by an unwavering passion for empowering individuals to unlock their full potential

Aquira Moeladi

Aquira Moeladi

Leadership and Personal Growth Coach

Aquira - Empowering Transformation and Impactful Leadership. With over 25 years of HR and leadership experience, she is a Certified Professional Coach empowering transformation, mindfulness, and impactful leadership. Guiding individuals to unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose.

Cinta Utami

Cinta Utami

Career & Leadership Coach

Cinta Maulida Utami, CPC - Empowering Coach igniting purposeful transformations. Passionate about guiding individuals to embrace resilience and achieve their goals.

Intan NJ

Intan NJ

Leadership Coach, Wellness and Parenting Coach

Since she started her career in 2009, her career journey has led her to the Human Capital talent area. She is exploring her passion in people relationships through her roles in talent acquisition, talent management and recently in human capital transformation (People & Culture). Currently she is working as a Human Capital Manager who is interested in wellbeing and coaching. In the professional setting, she also has a role as Career Coach to support other people's growth.

Nur Hanifah

Nur Hanifah

Executive & Career Coach

Nur Hanifah, ACC, a former teacher turned transformative coach, ignites growth in diverse individuals through leadership, career, and self-growth coaching. Impactful & empowering!

Al Falaq Arsendatama

Al Falaq Arsendatama

Executive & Business Coach

Al Falaq Arsendatama adalah Executive dan Business Coach. Ia berpengalaman di area coaching leadership transformation, business development dan cross-cultural integration.

Rully Abdillah

Rully Abdillah

Career , Leadership and Business Coach

Rully Abdillah SE.CEC adalah coach profesional yang berkomitmen untuk membantu individu dan tim mencapai potensi maksimal dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Dengan latar belakang pendidikan Ekonomi dan sebagai Certified Executive Coach (CEC),telah berhasil membimbing banyak klien untuk mencapai Goal / tujuannya. Pengalaman 21 tahun di Sales Marketing, 4 tahun di HR (16 tahun sebagai Managemen Telkom Group),pensiun dini 2016 dan terakhir sebagai Life Coach dan entrepreneur kuliner

Danny Wangsahardja

Danny Wangsahardja

Executive/Business/Sales Coach

His coaching approach is focused on creating awareness and clarity of those of leaders in order to help them navigate with confidence in ever changing corporate environment. Through this approach Danny believes his clients not only achieve optimum performance but also find the real meaning of work and how it impacts other people in their environment. He combines authentic presence, deep listening and evocative questioning techniques in his coaching to support his work in facilitating change and transformation of others.

Onma Pasti, PCC

Onma Pasti, PCC

Transformational Business and Corporate Coach

Experienced business owner and as business coach turned consultant & coach impacting 500+ ventures. Passionate about driving growth & fostering innovation in all sectors.