Transformational Business and Corporate Coach

Onma Pasti, PCC

Leadership, Business, Career Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.6 of 5

Introducing Onma Pasti, a seasoned business leader with a fulfilling journey spanning from 2003 to the present. As a former business owner, Onma gained invaluable insights into the entrepreneurial landscape, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities.

In 2015, Onma made a strategic move to become a distinguished business consultant, leveraging their firsthand experience to empower and uplift other ventures. With a wealth of knowledge across diverse industries, they have established themselves as a sought-after professional business coach, boasting over 730 hours of coaching expertise.

Onma takes immense pride in impacting nearly 400 businesses, ranging from startups to established enterprises, fostering positive change and driving exponential growth within the business ecosystem. Their dedication to sharing knowledge is evident through impactful training sessions and workshops conducted in both private and government sectors.

Beyond the entrepreneurial realm, Onma has excelled in intrapreneurship development, igniting an entrepreneurial spirit within large corporations to fuel innovation and progress. Their exceptional ability to connect with stakeholders at all levels, from managers to board members and founders, solidifies their reputation as a versatile and influential mentor.

As retirement approaches, Onma envisions leaving behind a lasting legacy of guidance and inspiration for aspiring business leaders. Their unwavering commitment to business development, entrepreneurship, and cultivating success in the corporate landscape defines the passion that propels them forward. With a wealth of expertise, Onma Pasti stands ready to empower individuals and organizations alike, unlocking their full potential and paving the way for unparalleled success.

Professional Certified Coach by ICF
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Executive Coach
Certified Business Coach
Certified Sales Coach
Certified Assesor Coaching BNSP
Sertifikasi Pendamping Bisnis BNSP

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Astra International, Maybank, DENSO, Astra Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, HM Sampoerna, FIF, Kreditplus, WIKA, BFI Finance, Kementerian BUMN,  Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada, Agung Toyota, Permata Bank, MPM Motor, Essilor Indonesia, Sekolah Cikal, ITB Bandung – Cirebon, UNIKA Atmajaya Jakarta, UK Maranatha, UK Petra, Uni Sadhu Guna, PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi, PT. Gadjah Tunggal, RS. Siloam Indonesia, Rumah Kreatif BUMN, Pelindo Indonesia, Unilever.

Apa kata klien

Onma Pasti, PCC is available to coach you in:

4 session
Leading Millennial Team

Leading Millennial Team

4 kali sesi coaching one-on-one untuk menemukan pendekatan terbaik dalam memimpin tim millennials.

6 session
Re-Strategize Your Business Processes

Re-Strategize Your Business Processes

6 kali sesi Business Coaching untuk menganalisa keefektifan proses bisnis Anda dan membuat strategi pengembangan bisnis yang lebih mencerminkan daya saing.

4 session
Starting a New Business for Millennials

Starting a New Business for Millennials

Sukses memulai bisnis bagi kamu sebagai millennial yang punya jiwa entrepreneurship.

4 session
Eliminate Bad Habits

Eliminate Bad Habits

Hilangkan kebiasaan buruk dan pikiran negatif agar Anda menjadi orang yang lebih produktif dan berprestasi.

4 session
Improve Communication and Confidence

Improve Communication and Confidence

Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelompok.


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