Nur Hanifah

Executive & Career Coach


Kudus, Malang, Jakarta

Bergabung, Mar 27, 2020


Completed Session


Total Clients


Coaching Hours


Total Review

Nur Hanifah, ACC, has made a remarkable transition from being a dedicated classroom teacher to becoming a transformative coach. With a notable teaching experience of 7 years and an impactful engagement in the government, educational, and social community for 8 years, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching practice.

Professional Coaching Journey:
In 2019, Nur Hanifah embraced her passion for coaching and embarked on a fulfilling career as a Professional Coach. As an ICF Associate Certified Coach specializing in Leadership, Career, and Self-growth, she is dedicated to empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds, unleashing their full potential, and achieving meaningful personal and professional growth.

A Trailblazer in Coaching:
Nur Hanifah's impact as a coach is evident through her impressive track record of conducting over 1000 coaching hours. Her clientele includes students, teachers, school leaders, professionals, business owners, and executives. Through her dedicated coaching sessions, she has ignited transformational change and inspired remarkable progress in numerous lives. 

Enabling Widespread Growth and Empowerment:
Beyond her one-on-one coaching practice, Nur Hanifah's passion for empowering others extends to a larger scale. Over the last 3 years, she has conducted more than 1000 hours of training sessions for +/-10,000 teachers, school leaders, and school supervisors across Indonesia, in collaboration with the MoEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) of the Republic Indonesia program. Her commitment to enhancing education and empowering educators demonstrates her profound impact on the education sector.

Academic Accomplishments:
Nur Hanifah's pursuit of excellence is underlined by her academic achievements. She holds a Doctoral degree in Education from Universitas Negeri Malang, a Master of Education from Universitas Negeri Semarang, and a Bachelor of Education from the same university. These credentials reflect her dedication to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest educational practices. 

Coaching Focus:
As a coach, Nur Hanifah's expertise extends to Leadership, Career, and Self-growth coaching. She possesses the ability to guide individuals through pivotal moments in their lives and careers, helping them overcome challenges and envision a fulfilling future.

Embrace Transformation with Nur Hanifah:
Nur Hanifah is an outstanding choice for those seeking a transformative journey of growth and empowerment. Her passion for education, coaching acumen, and extensive experience make her a powerful catalyst for personal and professional success. Connect with Nur Hanifah today and unlock your limitless potential for greatness.

Instagram: @selfexploraction.coaching / @nhanifah88

Work Experiences

Executive, Career & Life Coach (2019-present)
Professional Development Trainer (2021-present)

Education Policy & Management Consultant, Directorate General of Teachers & Education Personnel, Kemdikbudristek.
Team of Senior Advisor to the Minister on Innovation and Competitiveness, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Program Development Manager, National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Pedagogical Assessor, Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaches Movement)

Lecturer, UPBJJ Universitas Terbuka Semarang.

Natural Science Teacher, Sekolah Nasima.


Doctor of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang (2020-2024)
Master of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2011-2014)
Bachelor of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2005-2009)

Certifications and Credentials

ICF ACC (Associate Certified Coach)
CTC (Certified Transformational Coach)
CEC (Certified Executive Coach)
CPC (Certified Professional Coach)
Certified Points of You Explorer (L1)
Teaching License, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Stellar Woman, Google, Glints, Sayurbox, Shopback, RevoU, WomenWorks, Rumah Siap Kerja,, BullyID, ILUNI UI, ITB, Universitas Diponegoro, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Tanoto Foundation, HAFECS, Gerakan Tunas Bangsa (Muria Muda Berdaya), Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Vision for Future, Halofina, Indonesia Mengajar, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Energi, MSIB Kampus Merdeka, Single Mom Indonesia, KREEN.ID, StudentsXCEO, Semua Murid Semua Guru, Orami, Pesantren Pabelan Magelang, Wilopo Cargo, Yatim Mandiri, IAIN Kudus, KRESEK, Yayasan Kesejahteraan Muslimat NU, Alumni Teachers of Sekolah Nasima and individual clients.

Apa kata coachee tentang Nur Hanifah ?

Lailaturrahmi - LPDP
10 months ago

Empat sesi yang sangat bermanfaat dan tidak terasa sampai ke akhirnya. Coach membantu saya untuk menggali penyelesaian masalah dengan kemampuan sendiri. Ini merupakan perspektif baru bagi saya dan membuat saya merasa lebih berdaya dalam menghadapi masalah. Sesi coaching ini juga membuat saya lebih mampu memetakan masalah yang dialami dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Setiap sesi juga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan saya sehingga saya punya tanggung jawab juga dalam memperbaiki kekurangan/masalah yang saya alami. Terima kasih banyak Coach Nur Hanifah. Semoga semakin sukses ke depannya dan semakin banyak orang yang bisa terbantu.

Citra Amelia - LPDP
11 months ago

Sesi coaching dengan Kak Hani sangat membantu saya untuk memahami apa sebenarnya tujuan yang ingin saya capai setelah selesai studi dan bagaimana mengatasi kendala yang saya hadapi untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Qanza Nurul Jannah
1 year ago

Coaching bersama Kak Hani sangat membantu aku dalam personal branding yang menurutku mempermudah selama job seeking. Selain itu, upgrade CV, portfolio, dan LinkedIn serta memposting beberapa project yang pernah aku kerjakan di LinkedIn juga sangat membantu aku selama job seeking berlangsung. Arahan, tips, dan masukan lainnya dari Kak Hani juga mendorong aku untuk semangat selama proses job seeking yang benar-benar ups and downs. Selama aku job seeking sampai bisa hired, Kak Hani juga membantu sedetail itu mulai dari cara interview sampai review offering letter. Kak Hani juga seru untuk diajak diskusi atau sekedar berbagi cerita, jadi selama sesi career coach bener-bener bisa enjoy dan malah menambah energi positif. Thank you Kak Hani ♡

Gracia Yashodara
1 year ago

Overall coaching session bersama ka hani sangat bermanfaat, Saya mendapatkan banyak bantuan dan insight terkait career planning dan pengembangan diri, terima kasih banyak ka hani atas bantuannya selama 6 bulan ini!

Hidayat Saputra
1 year ago

Kak Hani have been coached me for 7 sessions in this batch, she really impressive in guiding me to reach my initial goal. Her suggestion adapt with my condition during the job seeking process has made me confident raise up. Here are my takes from career coach with Kak Hani: - She provide me the road map to rebuild my job seeking progress, from improving my asset (CV and porto), tune up my linked in profile and strategies to apply job vacant that suit my abilities and condition. - There always some home work (tasks) for each week so we can measure the job seeking progress - Kak Hani so open with changes that happen during process and provide different kind of approach to pursue my goal, in my case, there is a condition changes from my initial goal but Kak Hani still can finds a way out to adapt and encourage me to keep on track. It helps me a lot. So for this journey, I appreciate Kak Hani's advice form the very beginning until I got my offering. Thank you Kak Hani.

Hendryik Limbong CEC
Hendryik Limbong CEC
1 year ago

Pembawaan Coach yg tenang membuat saya lebih bisa melihat permasalahan saya sebenarnya dan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut thank you coach

Cornelius Martin
1 year ago

Ka Hani, thank you very much for supporting me since the first day at RevoU Next. I really appreciate your help and thanks to your coaching, I realized something about myself that I had not realized before. The way you coach is not just telling me what to do, but also asking about my experiences, feelings, and thoughts, which I think is your unique coaching approach. Please continue doing what you did to me for others, as it may help them realize something about themselves. I hope we can meet again sometime. Good luck and stay healthy, Ka Hani!

Setianingtyas Permatasari
1 year ago

Untuk self reflection mba hani sangat membantu saya dengan menanyakan hal yg belum pernah saya pikirkan sebelumnya. Aga kaget karena banyak self eksplorasi yg dilakukan. Saya menunggu untuk sesi selanjutnya