Al Falaq Arsendatama

Executive & Business Coach



Bergabung, Mar 24, 2020


Completed Session


Total Clients


Coaching Hours


Total Review

As recognized by *Coaching Magazin*—a prominent German-based publication—Al stands out as one of Indonesia's leading pioneers in coaching industry.

Known for his deep commitment to embedding the values of diversity, respect, and equality, Al brings a uniquely empathetic approach to every interaction with his clients, from corporate executives to successful business owners.

For Al, coaching transcends traditional methodologies; it is a profound, human-centered connection dedicated to unlocking individual potential through a transformative and growth-oriented approach.

Throughout his career, Al has partnered with senior leaders, entrepreneurs and high-potential individuals, guiding them to expand their capacities and achieve their fullest potential. Whether addressing organizational transformation, business improvement or facilitating personal growth, Al’s coaching approach is centered around enabling meaningful change, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging innovative thinking.

Al’s extensive leadership and entrepreneurial background provide him with valuable insights into the drivers of human behavior, change, and innovation. This rich experience allows him to skillfully translate complex concepts into practical strategies that resonate with his clients. By leveraging this experience, Al empowers his clients to accelerate their learning journeys, bridging the gap between theory and impactful application.

As a trusted coach, Al is dedicated to helping leaders not only succeed but also become role models of ethical leadership and inclusivity within their organizations. His holistic, values-driven approach to coaching ensures that each engagement leads to lasting, positive transformation.

Work Experiences

Ernst and Young Australia
Coca Cola Amatil Australia
Goodman Fielder Australia
ARCO Indonesia

Other Professions

Entrepreneur, Investor, Author, Public Speaker


Master of Information Technology - University of Technology Sydney
Geodetic Engineering - Institut Teknologi Bandung

Certifications and Credentials

Master Certified Coach of ICF
Certified Coach Supervisor
Certifief Situational Leadership II
Member of International Coaching Federation


PwC Indonesia, Telkom Indonesia, Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, Bank Indonesia, Unilever Indonesia, BRI, BNI, Bank UOB, KEB Hana Bank, Freeport Indonesia, Toyota-Astra Motor, HSBC Indonesia,  AXA Mandiri Financial Services, PLN, Astra Honda Motor, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, SC Johnson, ABM Investama, Essilor Indonesia, Permata Bank, Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian BUMN, Komatsu Reman, Asian Agri.


English, Bahasa Indonesia

Apa kata coachee tentang Al Falaq Arsendatama ?

Charles Gultom - Coaching Indonesia
6 months ago

Pak Al menjelaskan hasil feedback dari 360 assessment dengan thorough, clear dan dengan kecepatan yang pas buat saya. Jadi saya sangat confident dengan pak Al sebagai mentor saya di dalam mentoring session ini. Looking forward for next session. Thank you.

Agung Wahidin - Coaching Indonesia
6 months ago

Coach Al banyak memberikan inspirasi dan insight kepada saya selama pelaksanaan coaching. Banyak ide-ide muncul setelah saya berdiskusi dengan Coach Al. Dia dengan sangat sabar mendengarkan hal-hal yang menjadi ganjalan dan yang saya rasakan dan dapat men-summary-kan dengan tepat issue permasalahannya untuk menjadi dasar saya mencari solusi ke depannya. Terima kasih Coach Al.

Daniel Syahputra Purba - Pertamina
6 months ago

Melewati periode menjelang pensiun per 1 Juni 2023 adalah journey yang cukup penting. Need to stay alert in navigating this transition period, in the context of psychological, financial, dan juga komunikasi dengan keluarga.

Yudono - Coaching Indonesia
6 months ago

Coach Al is very much help me to find my strength and weakness. He to give feedback and advise on how to grow myself. This coaching session is critical for all leaders and potential leaders.

Toni Alam - Angkasa Pura
6 months ago

Coach Falaq sangat komunikatif, dan mencoba menggali apa yang menjadi keiinginan saya, serta sangat membantu dalam merumuskan topik permasalahan yang ingin saya ambil. Tkx coach Falaq

Mery Luciawaty
Mery Luciawaty - PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi
6 months ago

Sesi-1 memiliki objective: perkenalan dan ide/usulan item utk coaching plan. Coach membantu mengkategorikan dr 5 item menjadi 3 kelompok utama. Coach memberi saran utk selalu melakukan refleksi diri setiap hari.

Charles Gultom - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Coach Al dengan sangat baik telah mengartikulasi apa yang saya harapkan untuk one down saya. Thank you!

Tuty Yulia Agustini - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

very good listener and can understand our situation and give us advice from different point of view, really good input.