Find the Right Coach in Self-Growth Coaching

Cakupan coaching: membangun kepercayaan diri, komunikasi efektif, motivasi dan pengembangan diri, produktivitas, mengubah kebiasaan buruk, mengatasi mental-block, dan lainnya.

Bay Bay Y Sutisna

Bay Bay Y Sutisna

Dream Coach

A Coach specialize for anyone who pursuit his dream in Career, Business or other Field. Specialize in dream pursuit mindset.

Rainer Abraham Purba

Rainer Abraham Purba

Career, Personal Growth, and Relationship Coach

Be a person who aims high, be the change and give positive impact to your surroundings is Rainer's motto. Being able to help people by listening to their problems and making an open discussion to figure out any solutions has been one of Rainer's virtue, which enables him to be a good coach. With his interest in helping young people to develop a good mindset, he aims to be a career and relationship coach, especially for young people. He believes that the future will be brighter if we can prepare and shape a better young generation.

Abel Mundy

Abel Mundy

Carrer Coach , Self-Growth and Leadership coach.

Hi I am Abel Mundy. As a Certified coach, I will help you to move from good to great. let's make a goal, growning, and glowing.

Pramwidya Novia

Pramwidya Novia

S.Psi, MBusPsych

I love to hear you and discuss with you. Let's talk about you, yourself, your aspiration, goal, journey, or your dilemma. I love to be part of your growth and see you thriving.

Sri Erniati

Sri Erniati

Leadership, Self-Growth & Parenting Coach

Passionate coach empowering growth in leadership, parenting, & personal development. Author of "10 Rahasia Memerdekakan Jiwa." Unlock your potential with Erni!

Romi Sangaji

Romi Sangaji

Entrepreneur & Life Coach

Romi Sangaji - merupakan asisten manager pada salah satu NGO di Bandung yang membuat program pengembangan karakter mahasiswa seluruh indonesia. Selain itu Saya juga menjadi salah satu coach bisnis pada program pembinaan wirausaha muda di Bandung sejak satu tahun yang lalu dan masih berlanjut hingga sekarang.

Florentius Adhi Prasetyo

Florentius Adhi Prasetyo

Business Coach, Self Growth

Bisnis Coach berpengalaman, membangun bisnis kuat melalui keahlian di akuntansi, keuangan, dan pajak, serta mengintegrasikan pilar-pilar lainnya. #BisnisKuat #Akuntansi #Keuangan #

Jacub Muliady

Jacub Muliady

Professional Certified Coach

Lifespring Counselling Center

Merry Allnita

Merry Allnita

Career, Love, Self Growth Coach

Merry adalah seorang psikolog yang menyelesaikan pendidikan profesi di bidang klinis anak. Dalam pengalamannya Merry menangani konsultasi di bidang anak hingga remaja, namun juga terbuka untuk usia dewasa. Minatnya pada bidang pendidikan dan pengembangan diri, mendorongnya juga berprofesi sebagai Career, Love, dan Self Growth Coach. Merry mengambil beberapa sertifikasi serta pelatihan yang dapat mendukungnya pada bidang industri dan organisasi, seperti sertifikasi untuk assessment centre, sertifikasi professional coach. Merry juga aktif di beberapa komunitas coaching dan mengikuti beberapa event yang diselenggarakan seperti Vision for Future, Student Coaching ITB, Sahabat Sejati, International Coaching Week 2020.

Arnold Bolang

Arnold Bolang

Leadership, Personal Growth & Business Coach

Certified Professional & Executive Coach Corporate & Development Coach Coach & Mentor for several Communities Over 1000 hours of coaching experience For more than 16 years as a public speaker, trainer and facilitator in various industries

I Gusti Ayu Alma, Ssi, MSc

I Gusti Ayu Alma, Ssi, MSc

Self-Growth, Business & Personal Branding Coach

As a Professional Certified Coach, I experienced in one-on-one and group coaching sessions. I have more than 100 hours of coaching session ( not recorded on this app). My expertise is in Business and Personal Branding Coach - I help professionals, coaches, writers, and business owners to build their Personal Branding through Deep Transformation Coaching, with the actionable framework and also creating custom digital marketing strategies for each person based on their talent and characteristics. I'm a Digital marketer, Startup and Technology Enthusiast. Currently, working as Business Development Manager and Head of Client Success at Indonesian Local Tech Startup [ Ivosights ] I help companies, brands, and businesses creating seamless engagement with their clients and customers through our SaaS platform. I am also one of the Co-founder of Nine Grow Coaching [ ] Nine Grow has several services, such as, Coaching, Consulting, Training, and Mentoring as well as facilitating assessments for various needs for individuals, groups, and entire organizations or companies. Nine Grow helps to unleash the potential that exists in each individual and by doing so it will be able to help transform an organization or company to a better level. We also provide mentoring training that is tailored to your needs (Customized). Nine Grow focuses on collaboration and is committed to creating a big positive impact not only for all of our clients but also for the surrounding community.  

Rizki Sofyadi

Rizki Sofyadi

Youth and Personal Development

Experienced HR professional & coach with a passion for growth. Regional HR manager for 5 Asian countries. Culinary enthusiast & travel dreamer.