Self-Growth, Business & Personal Branding Coach

I Gusti Ayu Alma, Ssi, MSc

Business, Sales, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





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As a Professional Certified Coach, I experienced in one-on-one and group coaching sessions. I have more than 100 hours of coaching session ( not recorded on this app).

My expertise is in Business and Personal Branding Coach - I help professionals, coaches, writers, and business owners to build their Personal Branding through Deep Transformation Coaching, with the actionable framework and also creating custom digital marketing strategies for each person based on their talent and characteristics.

I'm a Digital marketer, Startup and Technology Enthusiast. Currently, working as Business Development Manager and Head of Client Success at Indonesian Local Tech Startup [ Ivosights ] I help companies, brands, and businesses creating seamless engagement with their clients and customers through our SaaS platform.

I am also one of the Co-founder of Nine Grow Coaching [ ] Nine Grow has several services, such as, Coaching, Consulting, Training, and Mentoring as well as facilitating assessments for various needs for individuals, groups, and entire organizations or companies. Nine Grow helps to unleash the potential that exists in each individual and by doing so it will be able to help transform an organization or company to a better level.

We also provide mentoring training that is tailored to your needs (Customized). Nine Grow focuses on collaboration and is committed to creating a big positive impact not only for all of our clients but also for the surrounding community.


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