Leadership and Life Coach (Self Growth and Parenting Coach)

Thomas Tan

Leadership, Self-Growth, Parenting Coaching

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4.8 of 5

Thomas Tan is a highly accomplished practitioner in the world of Education, renowned for his expertise in teaching, writing, and educational consulting. As the founder of Indonesia Bestest Learning and Assessments and PT. Thomas Consulting Group, he has made significant contributions to the field of education through training, international learning resources, and assessments. Thomas holds a Bachelor's degree in English literature from Cipta Wacana Christian University in Malang, East Java, where he graduated with honors (cum laude). Additionally, he is a certified educator by Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd., Australia, holding the prestigious CACE (Certified Accelerated Christian Education) certification.

As a parent, Thomas actively engages in self-development and parenting activities within schools, churches, and educational institutions. His passion for education extends to writing educational articles and books that have made significant contributions to the field.

Thomas Tan's coaching approach is compassionate and personalized, empowering parents and educators with practical tools to optimize teaching, foster child development, and promote effective communication within families. His dedication to education and parenting continues to inspire positive transformations in the lives of those he coaches.

Are you seeking guidance and support to enhance your role as an educator or parent? Look no further! Connect with Thomas Tan, a highly experienced and compassionate Education and Parenting Coach. With nearly two decades of expertise in the field of education, Thomas is dedicated to empowering individuals like you with practical tools and strategies. Take the first step towards positive change today!


Thomas Tan adalah seorang praktisi di dunia Pendidikan. Dia juga seorang Penulis dan sekaligus pendiri dari Indonesia Bestest Learning and Assessments yang bergerak di bidang education consulting, training, international learning resources and assessments. Lulusan cumlaude jurusan Bachelor English literature, Cipta Wacana Christian University, Malang – Jawa Timur dan mendapatkan sertifikasi CACE (Certified Accelerated Christian Education) Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd, Australia sudah memiliki hampir 20 tahun pengalaman di bidang pendidikan, penulis sering melakukan class action research dan observation pada perkembangan anak.

Sebagai orang tua, Thomas Tan juga aktif dalam kegiatan pengembangan diri dan parenting di sekolah sekolah, di persekutuan persekutan gereja maupun lintas agama, dan di lembaga lembaga pendidikan. Beberapa artikel pendidikan dan buku yang pernah ditulis antara lain; revolusi pembelajaran di era postmodernisme (2015), pengaruh penerapan accelerated learning terhadap pembelajaran yang revolusioner (2015), transformasi pembelajaran di abad 21 melalui digital class (2016), Teaching is an art; maksimalkan pengajaran anda,deepblish, 2017, Learning English Toolbox (2021), dan The Invisible Character Toolbox, Andi Publisher (2021)

Apakah Anda mencari bimbingan dan dukungan untuk meningkatkan peran Anda sebagai pendidik atau orang tua? Tidak perlu mencari lagi! Terhubung dengan Thomas Tan, Pelatih Pendidikan dan Pengasuhan yang sangat berpengalaman dan penuh kasih. Dengan keahlian selama hampir dua dekade di bidang pendidikan, Thomas berdedikasi untuk memberdayakan individu seperti Anda dengan alat dan strategi praktis. Ambil langkah pertama menuju perubahan positif hari ini!

Graduated “cum laude” from Cipta Wacana Christian University of Malang, majoring in Englih Literature.
Certified Accelerated Christian Education, Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd, Australia.

Pelatih Ahli Program Sekolah Penggerak_PA92 Kemdikbud Ristek Dikti
Education Consultant lembaga Bangun Indonesia Pintar
Education Consultant LPPN (lembaga Penggerak Pendidikan Nasional)
Director – Indonesia Bestest Learning and Assessments (Ibla Education)
Managing Director – Batam Math Olympiad Community (BMOC)
School consultant for Anglican Schools Batam
CAmbridge Exam Officer – Kallista School Batam
School Principal – Kallista School
School Pricipal _Theodore Christian School
English Teacher pre IB - Cita Hati Christian International School Surabaya

Certified Accelerated Christian Education, Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd, Australia. 
Certified Cambridge IGSCE computer Science (0478, CAIE) 
Certified Cambridge Secondary 1 English (1111), CAIE. 
Certified Cambridge Primary 1 English (0844/0058), CAIE. 
Certified Cambridge Exam Officer, CAIE
Certified Digital Entepreneurship Program, E-Graduate College Ireland. 
Certified Professional Coach, Coaching Indonesia Academy

LPPKS Kemdikbudristekdikti

BGP Kepri 

Upgris Semarang


Bangun Indonesia Pintar

Alfa Omega School

Yehonala School

Avava School


Eduland School

Alkafah Islamic School

Harapan Utama

Montesienna School

Adimulya vocational School

Elsadai school

Yeho Academy

Apa kata klien

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