Executive Coach | Sales Coach | Business Coach

theresia suzana

Leadership, Business, Sales Coaching

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4.8 of 5

Theresia Suzana Ramschie, also known as Suzan, is an accomplished and dedicated coach with a passion for helping clients improve their performance and achieve their goals. With an impressive background in the field of Sales and B2B Account Management, Suzan brings over 15 years of experience across various industries to her coaching practice.

Currently holding the esteemed position of Head of Sales for Coaching Indonesia Services, Suzan leads with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in sales strategies and business development. In this role, she continues to drive success for her coaching services, helping individuals and organizations unlock their full potential and reach new heights of achievement.

Suzan's coaching approach is characterized by empathy, support, and a genuine desire to see her clients succeed. She creates a comfortable and encouraging environment that enables individuals to explore their strengths, address challenges, and maximize their performance in all areas of their lives.

Educationally, Suzan holds a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from Sanata Dharma University and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Public Policy. This academic background, coupled with her extensive professional experience, equips her with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges individuals may face in both personal and professional contexts.

Throughout her career, Suzan has excelled in Sales, holding key positions in various industries, including hospitality, medical, chemical, and pest control. Her specialization lies in B2B Account Management, where she has honed her skills in building and nurturing strong relationships with key clients. As the former Head of Key Account Manager, Suzan has showcased her leadership abilities and strategic acumen, consistently delivering exceptional results.

Suzan's passion for helping clients extends beyond her professional endeavors. She is an enthusiastic sports enthusiast, engaging in activities such as basketball and swimming. Through her involvement in sports, she has gained valuable insights into teamwork, discipline, and goal-setting, which she seamlessly integrates into her coaching philosophy.

In addition to her sports interests, Suzan actively participates in humanitarian movements. Her dedication to making a positive impact on society further reinforces her empathy and commitment to her clients' personal and professional growth.

As a highly sought-after coach, Suzan is deeply committed to helping her clients enhance their performance and achieve their desired outcomes. Whether individuals seek to excel in their careers, overcome obstacles, or explore new opportunities, Suzan's ability to understand and address their unique challenges makes her an invaluable partner on their journey to success. With Suzan as your coach, you can expect a transformative experience that empowers you to thrive in all aspects of your life.

Professional Background: B2B Sales and Account Management Specialist in various Industries. Held strategic positions in the following Companies:
Accor Hotels Group, SoS Medika, Diversey, Rentokil, Phillips Lighting

Associate Certified Coach of ICF
Certified Executive Coach
Certified Business Coach
Certified Sales Coach.

Micro Madani Institute, Essilor, Kementrian BUMN, ITB, CHUBB Life, Agung Toyota, USAID Japri, AXA Mandiri, Cikal, BRI, SKK Migas, Indosat, BTN, Young Living, Astra, Unilever, Denso, Bank Indonesia, LPS, Maybank, Tiket.com, etc.

Apa kata klien

theresia suzana is available to coach you in:

4 session
Be a Successful Manager

Be a Successful Manager

Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda.

4 session
Parenting with Heart

Parenting with Heart

Kenali diri Anda sebagai orang tua yang mampu membangun hubungan berkualitas dengan anak dan temukan strategi yang tepat untuk membesarkan anak di lingkungan keluarga yang serba digital dan independen.

4 session
Leading Millennial Team

Leading Millennial Team

4 kali sesi coaching one-on-one untuk menemukan pendekatan terbaik dalam memimpin tim millennials.

4 session
Women Empowerment Leadership

Women Empowerment Leadership

4 (empat) kali sesi personal coaching bagi Anda sebagai perempuan yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dari kepercayaan diri yang utuh.


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