Self Growth & Life Coach

Sonnia Haryani

Self-Growth, Love, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Sonnia is a Certified Professional Coach and General Practitioner with a passion for empowering individuals to lead fulfilled lives. With a unique blend of coaching expertise and medical knowledge, Sonnia bridges the gap between mental and physical well-being, offering a holistic approach to her clients' growth and development.

Sonnia's coaching philosophy revolves around creating a safe and non-judgmental space for her clients to explore their thoughts and aspirations. Emphasizing self-discovery and personal growth, she encourages her clients to embrace new perspectives and learn from their experiences, viewing mistakes as opportunities for progress rather than setbacks. Her compassionate and supportive demeanor fosters an environment where clients can thrive and evolve.

Respect, empathy, and a non-judgmental approach form the foundation of Sonnia's coaching practice. She deeply values her clients' unique experiences and perspectives, fostering an environment of trust and understanding. With a positive and nurturing approach, she guides clients towards overcoming obstacles and living lives of fulfillment and purpose.

As a dedicated general practitioner, Sonnia has witnessed the profound connection between stress, anxiety, and physical health, fueling her passion to help others achieve overall well-being. As a life coach, she facilitates a deeper understanding of clients' parent-child dynamics, enabling them to address unhealed childhood wounds. This transformative process empowers clients to navigate healthier relationships and move forward in life with clarity.

If you are seeking personal growth and fulfillment, reach out to Sonnia Haryani. As your dedicated coach, she looks forward to partnering with you to achieve your aspirations and create a life that brings you joy and purpose!

Certified Professional Coach - AGCCP Batch 03
Coaching Indonesia (2023)

Dokter umum
Universitas Atma Jaya (2010 - 2016)

Certified Professional Coach - Coaching Indonesia (2023)

Certificate in Relationship & Couple Coaching - Peggy Guglielmino, MCC

Accredited Certification in Couple Therapy & Counceling - IAOAM

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