Well-being Coach.

Sara Rose

Self-Growth, Love, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Sara Rose, a sincere Life Coach who believes in the power of inner work to create deep life transformation.

Sara's passion lies in guiding individuals to Going Inward, and maintaining the perspective that true wellness encompasses not only physical health but also harmony between mind, body, and spirit.

Sara's coaching approach is rooted in the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, with a strong emphasis on spiritual exploration.
In her practice, she embodies the law of universe, "As above so below; As within so without," guiding clients to understand that how inner self shapes outer life.

It means "Outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality"

Professional Experiences :

As a seasoned Nature Coach at Retreats, she has facilitated transformative connections with the natural world, fostering holistic well-being. Furthermore, her role as a meditation instructor has empowered others to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness.

Beyond coaching, Sara is a writer, volunteer, tarot reader and certified holistic practitioner that empower individuals to align with their inner selves and navigate life's intricate tapestry.

Whether you're seeking clarity, overcoming challenges, or striving for purpose, Sara is excited to connect with like-minded people through email : sararoseauthor@gmail.com and get ready to meet your Authentic Self :)


Certified Professional Coach

Certified Hypnotherapist

Certified Tarot Reader

Certified Basic Pranic Healing

Certified Mental Health & Safety Well-being

Certified Meditation & Consciousness Teacher

Tapa Brata & Wellness Practitioner

Apa kata klien

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