Certified Business Coach

Wahyudi Yudi

Leadership, Career, Sales Coaching

Coaching Hours




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Nurul Wahyudi is a Certified Business Coach based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Being a coach for over 8 years, he has experienced working with a wide range of clients in various industries including senior leaders and professional individuals, to help them learn their capabilities and develop their strength to reach their full potential.

With his background in Human Capital and Recruitment, his passion in carrying out social interactions and exposure with different kinds of people made it a guidance for his role as a Learning and Development Coach.

Nurul's strength in coaching helps his client to better understand their vision and their invidual strengths. This skill of his has a positive outcome to them, including a positive mindset, actions, and  positivity in terms of decision making, enabling them to achieve their goals and success.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

BNSP, Training Methodology KKNI Level 5
CHRP, Certified Human Resources Professional
ACAC, Assessment Center Assessor Certification
CBC, Certified Bussiness Coach
CEC, Certified Executive Coach
CPC, Certified Professionak Coach

HR Wiki
Qoala plus
Bizani Human Capital.
Bumi Putera
Kimia Farma
Individual clients

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