Parenting, Career and Self-Growth Coach

Novianti Rachmayani

Career, Self-Growth, Parenting Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Novianti Rachmayani, affectionately known as Coach Opi, is a highly skilled and experienced coach dedicated to empowering individuals and organizational groups to achieve their greatest potential. With a passion for helping people discover their purpose and facilitating transformative journeys, Coach Opi brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching practice. Her commitment to continuous learning and deep understanding of neuroscience principles enables her to deliver powerful and impactful coaching experiences.

Coaching Approach
Coach Opi's coaching approach is rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience methodologies, making her coaching process both innovative and effective. By combining Applied NeuroScience, such as Neuro Parenting and Neurological Dominance concepts, she helps her clients tap into their brain's potential to gain insights, make better decisions, and develop effective strategies. Additionally, Coach Opi emphasizes the importance of Emotional Intelligence in her coaching sessions, enabling clients to navigate their emotions, build stronger relationships, and achieve personal and professional success.

Qualifications and Certifications
Coach Opi's coaching expertise is backed by prestigious qualifications and certifications. She is a certified Professional Coach, Executive Coach, and Sales Coach from Coaching Indonesia. Her dedication to upholding high coaching standards is evident through her certification by the International Coach Federation (ICF), a globally recognized organization in the coaching industry.

Additionally, she holds certifications as a Hijrah Mind Practitioner (Neurological Dominance) and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. Coach Opi leverages her knowledge to empower clients in optimizing their brain's dominant functions, resulting in improved learning, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. By fostering an environment of empathy and understanding, she facilitates profound personal and professional growth for her clients. Her ongoing pursuit of certification as a Neuro Parenting Practitioner, an approach that leverages neuroscience principles to support parents in understanding and nurturing their children's development, further showcases her dedication to providing comprehensive coaching support.

Coaching Experience
With over five years of coaching experience, Coach Opi has honed her skills through approximately 200 coaching hours and more than 200 coaching sessions. She has worked with a diverse clientele of over 100 individuals and organizational groups, focusing on coaching in the areas of Parenting, Career, and Self-Growth. Her extensive experience enables her to connect deeply with her clients, understand their unique challenges, and guide them towards achieving their goals with confidence. Professional Background Coach Opi brings over 15 years of professional expertise in Logistics & Supply Chain Management to her coaching practice. Her academic achievements include a Master of Applied Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Massey University, NZ. Throughout her career, she has achieved remarkable success both in the corporate world and in academia. This rich background provides her with a broad perspective and valuable insights in guiding her clients through their own challenges and growth opportunities.

Success Stories
Among Coach Opi's numerous success stories, one stands out—the ability to support clients in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, their characteristics, and their style. By fostering awareness and helping clients develop personalized approaches, she empowers them to create positive and nurturing environments.

Non-profit Involvement
Coach Opi is the proud founder of the Moslem Coach Community, a Non-Profit Organization aimed at making a positive impact within the community. Through this initiative, she extends her coaching expertise to contribute to the growth and development of others beyond her individual coaching engagements.

Coaching Philosophy and Values
Coach Opi's coaching philosophy revolves around the core value of promoting awareness and preparedness for personal growth. By encouraging her clients to embrace the process of self-discovery, she fosters a foundation for transformation, allowing them to thrive in various aspects of life. This values-driven approach lies at the heart of every coaching session she conducts, empowering her clients to unleash their full potential and achieve sustainable success.

Are you ready to discover your purpose, foster awareness, and thrive in all aspects of life?

Contact Coach Opi today to embark on your transformative coaching journey. Unleash your true potential and achieve sustainable success with the guidance of a skilled and compassionate coach.

Take the first step towards greatness by reaching out to Coach Opi now. Embrace self-discovery, empower yourself, and let your journey to a more fulfilling life begin!

Apa kata klien

Novianti Rachmayani is available to coach you in:

4 session
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Parenting with Heart

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4 session
Parenting for Millennial Parents

Parenting for Millennial Parents

Kenali diri Anda sebagai seorang millennial yang sedang membesarkan anak dan ingin membangun pola asuh yang tepat di zaman yang serba digital dan menantang ini.


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