Self Growth Coach

Nessia Ragil

Career, Self-Growth, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Nessia Ragil is a personal growth coach with a rich background in HR, boasting ten years of experience in the Banking & Retail Industry, primarily focusing on Organization & People Development. Nessia's coaching journey is driven by a strong desire to guide individuals towards clarity and purpose in both their personal and professional lives.

With a degree in Psychology, Nessia possesses a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation, allowing her to connect with clients on a profound level. Her coaching approach blends evidence-based techniques, incorporating mindfulness and meditation practices to promote overall well-being and self-awareness.

Through personalized coaching sessions, Nessia empowers her clients to overcome obstacles, set meaningful goals, and make informed decisions, ultimately leading them towards a purposeful and fulfilling life. Whether you're seeking direction for improved self love or career transition, Nessia is committed to supporting you on your journey of growth and self-discovery. Take the first step towards a brighter future with Nessia as your trusted coach.

Bachelor's Degree of Psychology, Airlangga University

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