Nanik Koernianingsih

Leadership, Business, Sales Coaching

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Nanik Koernianingsih has worked at Bank BNI for 28 years. She plays a key role in assisting the Branch Manager in overall branch management and operations. Responsibilities may include supervising staff, training staff, monitoring the achievement of staff targets, monitoring customer service, ensuring regulatory compliance, promoting financial products and services, and assisting with strategic planning.

As a banker, she is involved in the financial industry, working to coach employee & provide excellent service to customers of fund & debtors to manage their target & finances, provide loans and offer financial advice.

As a Financial Planner, she plays an important role in helping customers  of fund & debtors achieve their financial goals. 
Becoming a Financial Planner requires strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as excellent communication skills to effectively advise clients on their financial options.

Building strong relationships with clients/customers of funds/debtors is the key to success as a Financial Planner. She will guide them through important financial decisions and help them through various milestones and challenges in their business.

She has also worked as a guest lecturer and entrepreneur. As a sales/marketing/employee coach, business coach & leadership coach, she plays a critical role in helping working individuals, students and entrepreneurs discover their potential for greater future achievement. Coaching is done wholeheartedly. She always supports clients to find their potential so they can maximize their studies, work, business and be able to maximize their achievements.

If you want to be successful in your field, you can get proper guidance from Nanik. You will discover your potential which can be optimized to achieve more in the future with more confidence and happiness.

Contact information :

Email : nanikkoernianingsih@yahoo.com
LinkedIn : Nanik Koernianingsih
IG: nanik_koernianingsih

Bachelor’Degree : Accounting, Economics and Business Faculty of Gadjah Mada University

Master Degree :  Finance, Magister of Management, Economics and Business Faculty of Gadjah Mada University

January 1995 - June 2023 PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Vokasi School, Diploma Program, Economics and Business Faculty, Gadjah Mada University
Weekend Class
1. Bank Products & Services
2. Banking Operation
3. Accounting in Bank
4. Management Information System in Banking Sector
5. Credit Analysis
6. Business Feasibility Study

2004 - Now
Owner of Business

1. Certified Profesional Coach 
    International Professional Coach
2. Leader as Coach - Corporate Coaching Federation
    LOOP Institute of Coaching & PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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