Self-Growth and Fulfillment Coach

Lidia Rusvita

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.8 of 5

Helping Individuals Unleash Their Full Potential and Pursue Purposeful Lives

A professional global coach with over 20 years of hands-on experience as a Human Resources and Organizational Development Practitioner, she has been passionately devoted to nurturing individual growth and development since she started her career. As an independent career coach, she has dedicated over 700 hours to coaching clients through their career life cycles.

Her approach centers around meaningful conversations on deep change, where she collaborate with clients to explore their true potential, guiding them to become the best versions of themselves. She firmly believes that unlocking one's potential goes beyond just gaining focus, enhancing well-being, and increasing productivity. It involves cultivating adaptability, empathy, creativity, and flexibility, enabling clients to navigate changing contexts and sustain personal growth throughout their careers and lifetimes.

Credentials and Education:

Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF Global), a testament to her coaching expertise and commitment to professional standards.

Master's Degree in Applied Psychology of Human Capital and Knowledge Management from the esteemed Faculty of Psychology at the University of Indonesia, providing a solid foundation in understanding human behavior and optimizing talent.

Completed the esteemed Group Facilitator course at Oxford University's Faculty of Continuing Education, UK, honing her skills in effectively guiding and inspiring group dynamics.

Certified in Human Resources Management by the Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi Indonesia, demonstrating  her comprehensive knowledge of HR practices and principles.

As a coach, she has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of meta-practice. Through this approach, her clients have not only achieved their goals but also cultivated a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives. Together, they explore uncharted territories, embrace change, and chart new paths that align with their truest aspirations.

She is deeply committed to guiding individuals towards sustainable growth and helping them find their unique place in the world. Whether you are navigating career transitions, seeking work-life balance, or aiming to enhance your leadership capabilities, She is here to support and empower you on your journey.

Master's Degree in Applied Psychology of Human Capital and Knowledge Management, The Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia



Endorsed Facilitator, IAF

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