Kusmayadi Asmara

Leadership, Sales, Self-Growth Coaching

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Kusmayadi Asmara, or Kusma, is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) with a passion for enhancing people's development skills and helping them be their best. With 15 years of experience as a Sales Director in the Life Insurance Industry, Kusma brings valuable leadership insights and empathy to his coaching.

Driven by a desire to foster synergy and collaboration, Kusma supports the next generation and facilitates personal transformations. He sees coachees as diamonds and believes his role is to polish them, unlocking their true potential. With excellent communication skills from his Master of Ceremony background, Kusma creates a supportive environment for coachees to express themselves freely.

Kusma holds a Bachelor's Degree from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung, providing a solid foundation for understanding human behavior and personal development.

His coaching philosophy centers around empowering individuals to shine brighter, embrace growth, and achieve their goals. For those seeking positive change, Kusma Asmara is the catalyst they need.

Contact: asmara.kusmayadi@gmail.com | WhatsApp: +628112260062

Univ.Katolik Parahyangan, Faculty of Management

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