Corporate Leadership, Self-Growth, Career, and Parenting Coach

Iris Purwandari Ghozi

Leadership, Career, Parenting Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.8 of 5

Iris Purwandari, as a certified professional coach with extensive experience in HR and consulting across diverse industries and cultures, has a clear mission to guide her clients in finding their true selves and personal paths. Her focus on helping clients discover their goals and purposes aligns with her background and expertise in coaching.

Her credentials are impressive, having obtained certifications as a Professional Coach and Executive Coach from the International Coaching Federation. Additionally, she holds certifications in Points of You Explorer and the Knowdell™ Career Values Card Sort, as well as KornFerry Li360 Debriefer, which are valuable tools in the coaching process.

With over 25 years of experience in HR and consulting, working with local and multinational companies in various industries, Iris has gained practical insights into leading and developing people in both flat and matrix organizational structures. Her expertise extends to areas such as agriculture, mining, banking, telecommunications, education, and more.

Currently, Iris is an HR Lead for Indonesia and serves as an internal coach and training facilitator for the Asia Pacific Middle-East and Africa Region at Kerry Group. This ongoing role allows her to stay up-to-date with industry trends and practices, enriching her coaching capabilities.

Outside of her professional achievements, Iris is a dedicated parent to two children pursuing different life paths. Her open-mindedness and hands-on experience in guiding and coaching millennials with diverse passions and talents are evident in her parenting approach.

Maintaining her own well-being is essential to Iris, and she balances her life by continuing her passion for choir and hiking. This dedication to personal wellness further reinforces her ability to support and understand her clients' needs in various aspects of life.

Iris Purwandari's wealth of knowledge and practical experience positions her as a competent partner in several fields, including leadership development, career coaching, personal growth, sales, business, and parenting. Her expertise also extends to specialized areas like sportsparenting and parenting teenagers, adding further depth to her coaching capabilities.

If you wish to learn more about Iris or connect with her, you can find her LinkedIn profile here:

Providing sufficient knowledge as well as hands-on experience to partner you in the following fields: 

#leadership #career #personalgrowth #sales #business #parenting #sportsparenting #parentingathlete #parentingteenage #school

● Bachelor of Psychology, Univ. of Indonesia;

● Magister Management of Finance, Univ. of Indonesia;

You may refer to her LinkedIn's profile:

● Certified Professional Coach of International Coaching Federation;

● Certified Executive Coach of International Coaching Federation;

● Certified Points of You Explorer™, Points of You;

The Knowdell™ Career Values Card Sort holder;

● ICF Registered Member and ICF Jakarta Chapter.

● KornFerry Li360 Debriefer

Elnusa, Univ. of Atmajaya, MetroTV, CIKAL, Kementrian BUMN

Apa kata klien

Iris Purwandari Ghozi is available to coach you in:

4 session
Parenting for Millennial Parents

Parenting for Millennial Parents

Kenali diri Anda sebagai seorang millennial yang sedang membesarkan anak dan ingin membangun pola asuh yang tepat di zaman yang serba digital dan menantang ini.


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