Self-Growth, Wellness & Parenting Coach

Ilmia Lasmita

Self-Growth, Wellness, Parenting Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Ilmia Lasmita, known as Mita, is a certified Transformation Coach with credentials as a Certified Professional Coach and Certified Executive Coach from Coaching Indonesia, and she holds an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Mita, characterized by her positive personality and strengthened by her educational background in communication studies, provides her clients with flexible, and friendly coaching support. With her exceptional active listening skills and strong presence, Mita engages in coaching sessions wholeheartedly and with an open mind. Clients feel like they have found a genuine friend they can trust, someone who understands, appreciates, and accepts them as they work towards achieving their goals. Through her coaching approach, Mita believes her clients can grow into their best selves while preserving their unique identities.

In addition to her coaching expertise, Mita is an accomplished writer who contributes to books on parenting and self-improvement, as well as various articles and short stories on social media focused on empowerment, motivation, self-transformation, and effective parenting.

As an activist in the parenting community, a practitioner of NLP, and a facilitator in parenting and self-improvement training, Mita actively participates in parenting groups and training organizers in Indonesia. She generously offers both paid and pro bono sessions for coaching, training, parenting, self-empowerment, and motivation, conducting them both online and offline.

Mita specializes in Transformative Coaching, focusing on Self-Growth, Wellness, and Parenting, to help her clients develop in various areas, such as:

- Self-management (physical, mental, and emotional)
- Emotion management (anger, stress, forgiveness)
- Maintaining balance and spiritual well-being
- Building healthy relationships and effective communication with oneself and others
- Enhancing a meaningful and happy quality of life
- Boosting self-confidence and resilience
- Identifying and realizing personal passions and missions
- Unleashing potential to achieve future aspirations and goals
- Overcoming self-limiting beliefs
- Breaking bad habits and adopting positive ones
- Healing from past wounds, traumas, or negative experiences
- Letting go of depression, anxiety, or stress
- Becoming a better parent with effective parenting strategies
- Cultivating harmonious relationships within the family

Mita firmly believes in the potential and aspirations of every individual. With her coaching sessions, Mita is fully prepared to accompany her clients on their transformative journey towards their desired aspirations.

To schedule a coaching session with Mita, interested individuals can contact her via email at or through WhatsApp at +31621314877.

- Bachelor in Communication Studies
- Diploma in Secretary and Office Management

- Professional Coach 
- Associate Coach of Coaching Indonesia 
- Trainer & Facilitator 
- Executive Secretary

- Credentialed ICF ACC
- Certified Executive Coach
- Certified Professional Coach
- Certified NLP Master Practitioner

- Personal Clients
- Private Companies
- Training Organizers
- Schools
- Embassy of Indonesia

Apa kata klien

Ilmia Lasmita is available to coach you in:

4 session
Parenting for Millennial Parents

Parenting for Millennial Parents

Kenali diri Anda sebagai seorang millennial yang sedang membesarkan anak dan ingin membangun pola asuh yang tepat di zaman yang serba digital dan menantang ini.


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