Executive Business Coach

Helena Rahayu

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Helena Rahayu, or affectionately known as Yayuk, is a professional coach who has a colorful and inspiring life and career experience. She has a background in medicine and marketing. She started her career as a sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry and successfully climbed the career ladder to the highest positions in several multinational companies. She was the first female country manager of a multinational company in Indonesia.. She has strong leadership skills and experience in mentoring and coaching more than 2000 sales teams in various industries such as health, FMCG, banking, insurance, state-owned enterprises, and automotive. She is also a professional trainer who is trusted to provide many training and workshops in the fields of marketing, sales, communication / public speaking, leadership, project management, and organizational transformation. 

With her extensive experience and expertise, she is ready to help you achieve your goals and potential as a reliable and quality coach. She has a passion for making every individual find the best version of themselves so that they become more agile and resilient in this very dynamic era. She does not only provide theory but also real experience and examples that are real and practical. Yayuk is ready to be your conversation partner, thinking partner and accompany you to achieve your success.

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