Youth, Business, and Executive Coach

Doni Nathaniel Pranama

Leadership, Business, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Doni Nathaniel Pranama is an alumnus of Binus University majoring Computer Science in Applied Networking stream. Besides graduating as a student with a Summa Cum Laude (GPA of 3.94/4.00).

Doni was also an active student at various community and clubs during his university years; such as leading the Cyber Security Community as a chairman, a divisional member at the Bina Nusantara English Club and also an advisor to the BINUS Square student committee. Additionally, during his studies, he clinched the opportunity to experience exchange program at Inha University, South Korea, for one semester. Subsequently, he also managed to close his undergraduate studies by bringing the valedictory speech for his cohort during graduation ceremony.

Doni has ever worked in The U.S. Embassy Jakarta as an intern for 7 months as a form of a joint cooperation project between BINUS University and The U.S Embassy; He was one of the few students who managed to obtain the opportunity.

Currently, Doni is working in one of the largest Tech companies in Indonesia as the Business head leading around 20 strong members; with close involvement of focusing on the scalability of the industry (from growth to sustainability stage). Additionally, Doni has also been actively involved and leading in local communities(more than 50 members); focusing on character and spiritual development for the past 10 years.

"Work for a cause not for applause, live life to express, not to impress." 

Associate Certified Coach by International Coaching Federation

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