Leadership And Career Coach

Dessy Emastari Prihatiningtyas

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.8 of 5

Dessy is a highly skilled and experienced coach with an impressive coaching background of over 180 hours, backed by a profound passion for nurturing individuals and guiding them to achieve their fullest potential through leadership development and self-transformation executive coaching. She holds a professional and Executive Coach Certification, as well as an International Coach Federation (ICF) credential, which reflects her dedication to mastering the art of coaching and ensuring the highest standards of coaching practice.

With more than 23 years of expertise in corporate strategy, talent development, financial management, and accounting sectors, Dessy brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to her coaching practice, offering a unique perspective on the challenges professionals encounter in their careers.

Dessy firmly believes in a personalized approach for each client, guiding them through a process of self-discovery, identifying strengths, and nurturing growth. Drawing from her corporate background, she provides practical insights and strategies aligned with each client's individual goals.

Specializing in leadership development and self-transformation coaching, Dessy empowers clients to foster growth, innovation, and adaptability in today's dynamic business landscape. As a senior executive at State-Owned Companies, Dessy continues to exemplify her coaching expertise, cultivating personal and professional development within the organization and impacting the growth and success of its workforce.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Dessy's passion for coaching extends to her personal life. Her dedication to continuous learning and self-improvement keeps her updated on the latest coaching techniques and methodologies. Additionally, her experience as a runner and mindfulness practice enhances her ability to provide insightful coaching, fostering agile leadership and work-life balance in her clients.

With her vast coaching experience, ICF credential, and diverse professional background, Dessy is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking guidance to achieve their goals and reach their highest potential. If you're ready to unlock your true potential and attain your aspirations, take the transformative journey with Dessy—a certified coach devoted to helping you excel in both personal and professional spheres.

Apa kata klien

Dessy Emastari Prihatiningtyas is available to coach you in:

4 session
Improve Communication and Confidence

Improve Communication and Confidence

Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelompok.


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