Leadership, Sales & Self-Growth Coach

Edy Liustanto

Leadership, Sales, Self-Growth Coaching

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4.8 of 5

Leadership & Self-Growth Coach | ICF Accredited

About Me:
As an accredited Leadership & Self-Growth Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF), I am committed to empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential and achieve remarkable success in both personal and professional spheres.

Experience and Expertise:
With over 15 years of hands-on experience in sales and marketing, I possess a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that professionals face in their pursuit of future goals. Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in target-oriented strategies, teamwork dynamics, and fostering a resilient and cohesive work environment.

My Passion and Mission:
My true passion lies in guiding others to discover their authentic selves and unleash their hidden talents. I am driven by a strong desire to help individuals identify and maximize their unique strengths, allowing them to thrive both in their careers and personal lives.

Why Choose Me as Your Coach:
I bring a wealth of real-world experience and a proven track record of success in the corporate world.
My coaching approach is based on empathy, active listening, and genuine understanding of your aspirations.
Together, we will develop personalized strategies to overcome challenges and realize your goals.
I believe in nurturing a positive and growth-oriented mindset to inspire lasting transformation.

Coaching Specializations:
Leadership Development: Elevate your leadership skills and influence to drive impactful change.
Career Growth: Chart a clear and purposeful career trajectory aligned with your passions.
Self-Confidence: Overcome self-doubt and embrace unwavering self-assurance.
Work-Life Balance: Find harmony between professional success and personal well-being.
Team Empowerment: Enhance team dynamics and foster a culture of collaboration and growth.

Client Testimonial:
"Working with Edy has been a transformative journey. Their guidance and support have helped me overcome obstacles and tap into my true potential. I now approach challenges with newfound confidence and clarity." - John D.

Let's Begin Your Transformation:
If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth, I offer a complimentary initial session to explore how coaching can make a positive impact on your life. Connect with me via liuscoaching@gmail.com or +6281703787757 to get started.

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