Career, Leadership, Self Growth

Bianti Witiara Kodijat, S.psi, MM, CEC

Leadership, Business, Career Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.8 of 5

With an impressive 28 years of experience in the field of Human Resources and Management, Bianti brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching practice. As a dedicated coach, she is ready to help clients explore their career paths, develop their leadership skills, and maximize their potential through self-awareness and self-growth.

Professional Coaching Journey:

In 2018, Bianti embraced her passion for coaching and embarked on a fulfilling career as a Professional Coach. As a Certified Executive Coach specializing in Leadership, Career, and Self-growth, she is on a mission to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds, helping them unleash their full potential and achieve meaningful personal and professional growth. Bianti has worked with students, fresh graduates, supervisors, managers, professionals, and executives, igniting transformational change and inspiring remarkable progress in numerous lives.

Academic Accomplishments:

Magister Management degree from PPM School of Management
Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Indonesia
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Business Coach
Certified Executive Coach
Job and Career Transition Coach
Job and Career Development Coach

Expertise in Human Capital:

Beyond coaching, Bianti loves to share her expertise in Human Capital through consultation processes or mentoring programs for Human Capital practitioners in organizations. Her experience includes setting up Human Capital Organizations, creating policies, and implementing Human Capital systems and procedures.

Social Impact:

Passionate about helping others grow, Bianti volunteers in coaching and training projects that create a positive impact in social movements and education. She is a good listener with strong empathy, dedicated to giving her best to these projects.

Coaching Focus:

Bianti's coaching expertise lies in Leadership, Career, and Self-growth. She guides individuals through pivotal moments in their lives and careers, helping them overcome challenges and envision a fulfilling future.

Embrace Transformation with Bianti:
For those seeking a transformative journey of growth and empowerment, Bianti is an outstanding choice. Her passion for coaching, acumen, and extensive experience make her a powerful catalyst for personal and professional success. Connect with Bianti today and unlock your limitless potential for greatness.

S1 : Sarjana Psikologi - Universitas Indonesia
S2 : Magister Manajemen - PPM School of Management

Head of Training Division PT Bank Niaga
Head of Human Resources PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia and Subsidiaries
Board of Director PT Nusasarana Pradipta (Financial Club Jakarta)

Certified Professional Coach (CPC); 
Certified Business Coach (CBC); 
Certified Executive Coach (CEC);
Points of You Expert (L3)
Job and Career Transition Coach, 
Job and Career Development Coach

As Coach, Trainer and HR advisor :
PT Sinarmas Multi Finance, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia, Sophie Paris, 
Manulife Indonesia, Indo Oil Sisters, Oils2Hope, PT Ingenuity Studios Indonesia,
PT Elnusa Tbk, Bank Indonesia, KPKU (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha), PT Federal International Finance.

Social and Education Movement (as coach and trainer) :
Sahabat Sejati
Vision 4 Future
The Learning Farm
Semua Murid Semua Guru
Pondasi Coaching Movement
Program Guru Penggerak (Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan,Riset dan Teknologi)
Program Sekolah Penggerak (Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi)

Apa kata klien

Bianti Witiara Kodijat, S.psi, MM, CEC is available to coach you in:

4 session
Living Your Dream Career

Living Your Dream Career

Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi.


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