Career, Business and Investment Coach

Aryani Novita

Leadership, Business, Career Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.6 of 5

My main objective as your Coach is to make you feel supported, respected, and fully understood during our coaching journey together. I am here to actively listen to your worries, ambitions, and challenges, while also providing true empathy and a nonjudgmental attitude in order to provide a safe environment for your personal and professional growth. Together, we will embark on an inspiring and transformative coaching journey, paving the way for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven future.

Professional Coaching Journey:
Aryani pursued her interest for coaching in 2018 as a Professional Coach. Bringing her over 20 years of experience in the financial industry and having an Associate Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), she specializes in Career, Business, and Investment coaching.

Throughout her journey, Aryani has working with a varied spectrum of customers during her career, including business owners and professionals from various industries such as education, banking and financial institutions, media, and airplanes, as well as youth initiatives.

Aryani's coaching journey is a life-changing experience that allows you to take ownership of your personal and professional development. You will acquire clarity on your unique path, build powerful strategies to attain your goals, and conquer hurdles with increased confidence during the course.




- A Bachelor's degree focused in Marketing Management from University of Indonesia.
- Business Administration from Secretarial Academy of Tarakanita, Jakarta, Indonesia






As a Professional Coach, I've honed a set of efficient approaches for assisting clients in areas such as leadership, decision-making, and cultivating a development mindset. In the corporate world, I assisted professionals and businesses on strategy planning, team leadership, and managing growth obstacles. Due to my corporate backgrounds, I also help clients to make educated decisions about investments and financial concerns as for a secure future. My objective is to help my clients grow and succeed by using practical and effective coaching approaches.

Professional Experiences:
Experienced in Wealth and Portfolio Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. Skilled in Portfolio Management, Wealth Management, Financial Planning, Investment and Entrepreneurship.

2000 -2019, working as a profesional banker with various international banks: ABN AMRO, ANZ, Standard Chartered, Julius Baer, and Golden Equator Asset Management.

Since 2016, started Accenergy Consulting, a training solution provider in soft skills and technicall skills.

Since 2017 - present, as a Professional Coach, Facilitator, and Financial & Investment Coach as well as Career, Business and Life Coach.



- Accredited Certified Coach credential from International Coaching Federation (ICF)

- Representative Notification Framework (RNF) certification Completed Client Advisor) Paper 1 and 2 Competency Standard (CACS)

- Certified  Financial  Planner  (CFP®)  issued  by  by  Asian  Banking  –  Finance  & Informatics Institute (PERBANAS), Jakarta, Indonesia

- Life  Insurance  Agent  License  for  Unit  Link  Product  (Bancassurance),  Issued  by Indonesian Life Insurance Association

- Licensing Representative Sales Agent For Securities Investment Fund produced by Indonesian Capital Market Supervisory Agency, Indonesia 

-  Capital Market and Financial Advisory Services  Examination, Module 1B,   held by The Institute of Banking and Finance, Singapapore 

- Module 5 – Rules and Regulation for Financial Advisory Services held by Singapore College of Insurance, Singapore

Corporates Clients: CIMB Niaga, BRI, BCA, Henan Putihrai Asset Management, Danone, Manulife Insurance, Ministry of State Owned Entreprises, GMF, Women Leaders Program
Education: Program Guru Penggerak, ITB, Mercu Buana University, Sekolah Bogor Raya

Individuals: Executive and Managerial Levels in various industries, Education and Health Practitioners, Insurance Practitioners

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