R. Monica Ds

Career, Self-Growth, Parenting Coaching

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Monica brings over 23 years of dedicated education experience, holding prestigious certifications from Cambridge ESOL (CELTA and YL CELTA). In the last four years, she discovered her passion for empowering others through coaching. Monica's coaching journey reflects her commitment to a holistic approach, guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and fulfillment.

Monica's coaching philosophy centers on empowering clients through self-discovery, setting meaningful goals, and fostering clarity and confidence. She creates a safe and non-judgmental space for open communication, respecting each client's unique journey toward transformative positive changes.

Having been certified by ICF, Monica's coaching experiences span diverse clients from various industries, including executives, professionals, housewives, young adults, and teens. Her empathetic approach fosters strong connections, providing clarity and increased self-confidence to navigate life's complexities. Clients emerge stronger, more confident, and happier, embracing transformative changes in their personal and professional lives.

Monica’s areas of coaching include:

Personal Elevation:

Monica is dedicated to empowering clients on their journey of self-discovery. With her compassionate approach, she helps individuals set meaningful goals, boost self-confidence, and overcome limiting beliefs. Through Monica's coaching, clients improve communication, manage stress, and find work-life balance, while enhancing creativity and overall well-being.

Relationships and Life Transitions:

Monica's holistic coaching approach focuses on finding life purpose and nurturing meaningful relationships. Clients gain resilience to manage life changes, navigate parenting, and foster harmonious family dynamics. With her empathetic guidance, individuals confidently handle life's transitions, including coping with grief, while balancing personal and family responsibilities.

Early-Career and Academic and Professional Development:

With over two decades in education, Monica excels in guiding clients through career transitions and leadership development. Her expertise aids clients in making informed decisions, resolving work and academic challenges, and finding fulfillment in clients' careers.

Connect with Monica, an empathetic and experienced coach, and start your transformative journey towards self-discovery, enhanced confidence, and a more fulfilling life. Take the leap and invest in your personal growth today.

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