Sales & Business, Leadership & Career Coach

Muhammad Sidik

Leadership, Business, Career Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

The coach has an impressive career that commenced as an Auditor at Deloitte in the year 2000. Subsequently, they honed their skills and expertise at Medco Energi from 2004 to 2013. During their professional journey, they held the esteemed position of Finance Director at a prominent gas infrastructure company, gaining valuable experience in domestic and international funding.

Their commitment to personal growth led them to embark on a path in coaching. In late 2016, they enrolled in the 19th cohort of the Certified Professional Coach program, followed by further achievement in becoming a Certified Executive Coach in early 2018. In the beginning of 2020, they successfully completed the Certified Business Coach program, solidifying their credentials as a well-rounded coach.

In addition to their coaching pursuits, the coach holds a background in finance and has been an essential member of the top management team in a notable gas infrastructure company.

With an educational foundation in Accounting from the University of Indonesia, they also bring experience as a consultant in an International NGO, which has contributed to their wealth of insights. Moreover, they have been actively involved in voluntary work in the education sector alongside their spouse.

The coach has a diverse clientele, including individuals from business, sales, and student communities. They have conducted impactful training sessions, covering areas such as leadership and parenting, at an elementary school.

This coach's profile meets the standard criteria, showcasing their qualifications and certifications, coaching experience, approach, and areas of expertise. Additionally, they have a record of success stories and testimonials, highlighting their ability to guide clients towards their goals and personal development.

Their coaching philosophy, values, and personal attributes, such as empathy, active listening skills, adaptability, and dedication to continuous self-improvement, set them apart as a remarkable coach. They are approachable and accessible, welcoming potential clients to explore a transformative coaching journey



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