Leadership, Business and Career Coach

J. Andre Roberto

Leadership, Business, Career Coaching

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Andre has strong calling and passion in helping people to grow and become better person. That drives him to enjoy giving training, coaching and mentoring to his staffs and certainly, for his clients and their employees. Recently he runs a consulting business in providing management consultancy to Business Owners and their people in achieving Business and Operational Excellence through innovative transformation programs.

He was born and grown up in nature and culture-rich Indonesia, but he had lived across Asia, in South Korea, Japan, Singapore during his university courses and working assignments. He can speak Bahasa Indonesia, English, Korean and Limited Japanese. Growing up and working with people from different cultures has enriched him a great understanding and respect of cultural sensitivity and traditions.  

With educational background in Chemical Engineering from Seoul National University, Diploma in General Management from Singapore National University and a Master of Management (MBA) in Strategic Management, he had extensive experience of working in talent management, operational excellence and business transformation through Kaizen/Lean/Six Sigma practices as well as HR & Operation management, Process Engineering, Production & Quality management with more than 25 years of professional experiences in large and small organizations across Asia with businesses ranging from light to heavy industries, from manufacturing to financial services.

He has successful track record as senior leadership in roles as a project manager, program manager, plant senior manager, sales support senior manager, lead auditor, community facilitator, general manager and recently, managing director which uses coaching approach to help leaders of all level empowering their teams, mastering their jobs and grow to achieve their goals. 

He is a certified professional and executive coach and ICF ACC in training as well as a certified Master Trainer. Throughout his professional career he had the pleasure to support the development over 1000 leaders of all level including Directors and CEOs. He had trained personally over than 20,000 people for both local employees and expatriates all over Indonesia.

 Andre is a certified professional in Global Quality Leadership, QMS Lead Auditor, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Project Management, HR Management, Competency Based HR Management, Talent Management, Behavior Event Assessment, Balanced Score Card, Performance Management, HR/Operation/Quality Auditing, NLP and Hypnotherapy.  

Andre is a recipient of prestigious Samsung Global Business Award, a Grand Prize Winner of South East Asia Six Sigma Project Competition, awardee of The World's First MLP-100 Best Quality Award, The Top Productivity Award from Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd, CSR Excellence Award and Indonesia CSR Award from 2016 to 2018.

Andre is eager to help people finding, developing and use their talents through self-awareness, challenges and new discoveries to make the best use of every opportunity so they can unleash their full potential to achieve their goals and fulfillment. Apart of that, he enjoys outdoor adventures, reading and music and also a volunteer in disaster rescue and response activities and plays active role in community development.

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