Find the Right Coach in Career Coaching

Cakupan coaching: menemukan kejelasan karier, strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan, membangun personal brand, persiapan pensiun, memaksimalkan potensi diri, dan hal lain terkait karier dan pekerjaan.

Kristiana Dewayani Samdono

Kristiana Dewayani Samdono

Self growth & Career Coach

"Nani, Psikolog & Coach profesional, berpengalaman di HR & assessment. Bersahabat, membantu klien mengembangkan potensi & mencapai tujuan. 🌟"

Zelfa Lola Maretha

Zelfa Lola Maretha

Self-Growth & Career Development Coach

Certified Professional Coach | Life Coaching | Self-Growth Coaching | Career Development Coaching | Youth Development Enthusiastic | Corporate Development

Aulia Irawan

Aulia Irawan

Self-Growth and Life Coach

Aulia "Lia" Irawan is a passionate humanist and a dedicated coach, driven by her love for helping others thrive.

Shinta Mustikarini, S.E., M.Si

Shinta Mustikarini, S.E., M.Si

Career and Personal Development Coach

Everybody requires a listening ear. This is one of the factors that led Shinta to change careers from corporate to coaching. Your career and personal growth path will be ignite by Shinta, a certified coach, lecturer, and business owner with 15 years of corporate experience.

Herman Ginting

Herman Ginting

HR Strategy & Professional Career Coach

Professional HR and Coach in multisector of industry with combination as Management Consultant and HR Practitioner

Christianto Banke

Christianto Banke

Professional Coach

(VP) HR LD - Head of Learning Technology, Communication & Knowledge Management ; Certified Executive Coach (Certified Executive Coach (CEC) ; NLP Master Practitioner (M-NLP Pract)

Wishnu Bintang

Wishnu Bintang

Executive, Career & Business Coach

Unlock your true potential and achieve extraordinary results with Coach Wishnu as your warm and empowering guide. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Yanti Nisro Corbett

Yanti Nisro Corbett

Self Growth, Career and Leadership Coach

Yanti Nisro Corbett is an accomplished Certified Executive Coach and Intuitive Coaching Practitioner with a passion for Self Growth, Career and Leadership.

Novianti Rachmayani

Novianti Rachmayani

Parenting, Career and Self-Growth Coach

Novianti or known as Coach Opi Empowering growth through neuroscience-based coaching. Transformative journeys for individuals & organizations. Unleash your potential now!

Ganesh Notowidigdo

Ganesh Notowidigdo

Career, Leadership & Executive Coach

Seasoned HR Practitioner



Career & Leadership Coach

Budiastuti (Uti) adalah teman bicara dan berpikir, membantu client membuka cara pandang baru sehingga dapat menemukan solusi bagi dirinya sendiri.

Sulastri Zein

Sulastri Zein

Leadership, Career and Life Coach

Lastri Zein, a career and life coach, excels in tailored coaching techniques & guides clients to set goals, find their strengths, enhance performance, and foster a balanced life.